Blogs interested in YMCA press release

April 27th, 2010

1)  The Water Family is a blog all about children’s swim lessons so I believe they would be interested in the YMCA press release because people who read about swim lessons would most likely be interested in signing up for them!  This blog also offers a schedule for swim lessons so readers could compare and contrast which ones they like better.

2) Swimator is a blog for swimmers ranging from beginner to advanced.  They would like the press release because there are probably a lot of people who read the blog that are in need of swim lessons.

3) Ande’s Swimming Blog is a blog written by a swim instructor.  On his blog he offers tips to help readers become better swimmers.  He might like this press release and be willing to post it on his blog to give his readers a place to get lessons.

4) Typhoon Swimming is a YMCA swim team in North Haven.  They would be interested in this press release because it is directed at swimmers who have a membership with the YMCA.

5) Tri Swim Coach is a blog dedicated to giving tips to beginner swimmers training for a triathlon.  They might be interested in posting the YMCA press release to offer swim lessons to their readers.

One Response to “Blogs interested in YMCA press release”

  1.   dkois on April 27, 2010 1:20 pm

    For a local YMCA, you’re more likely looking for local news/parenting sites who might be interested in the Y’s swim schedule. 3/5.

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