Exercise 5.10 Stovall – Rewrite

March 2nd, 2010

Three students from the Alpha Beta Zeta fraternity were admitted to a local hospital Sunday morning with alcohol poisoning after a party at the fraternity’s house.

Press Martin, junior and Rob Smith, sophomore, were released from the hospital Monday morning.  Al Amalek, freshman, remains in the hospital in critical condition.

The ABZ fraternity has since been suspended indefinitely as well as all of their activities. Although the incident occurred at the ABZ fraternity house, the inter-fraternity council president, Bart Addison, does not believe the entire fraternity should be punished for the actions of a few students.

As of now, university President Harvey Smithville has banned alcohol from fraternities and is also considering increasing police patrols of fraternity houses on weekends.

Binge drinking in college has become a huge issue. One student from LSU and one from MIT recently died due to alcohol poisoning which has caused the universities to crack down on their policies.

One Response to “Exercise 5.10 Stovall – Rewrite”

  1.   dkois on March 3, 2010 10:01 am

    Good lead, but I bet you could pack a little more news into it — like about the frat’s suspension?

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