Weekly Blog Post

February 21st, 2010  Tagged ,

While reading The Washington Post online (which by the way – I had to sign up for a free subscription to do so), I found this one particular article very interesting considering I will soon be flying out of the country.  The article, written by Nancy Trejos, talks about the increasing and excessive baggage fees in airlines.

Trejos points out that airlines not only charge a fee for checking your bags, but if the bag is considered to be overweight (usually 50lbs is the limit), you have to be prepared to front an extra $50-$75.

I really liked how the journalist told the stories and opinions of several different airline customers throughout the article.  This made it very easy to relate to.  While reading other people’s stories in this article, I found myself thinking, “I know exactly what they’re talking about!”  I remember checking my bags last year and having to move shoes and clothes into different bags in order to distribute the weight evenly and avoid paying extra fees.

The journalist went very in-depth with this article, offering a lot of statistics from several different airlines and interviewing a wide variety of travelers.  Reading this also made me dread packing for my upcoming trip, as it has always been hard for me to pack light.

2 Responses to “Weekly Blog Post”

  1.   mhakki on February 21, 2010 11:19 pm

    I enjoyed reading this article because it is one I can definitely relate to. There have been many times I have travelled overseas and had to empty out my suitcase into my handbag, or stuff my clothes into my brother’s suitcase. I think the fees are a bit ridiculous, especially when airlines see what drastic measures some passengers take to avoid paying these fees. I also think it’s not fair how inconsistent airlines can be with their fees because there has been an occasion where our suitcase was 13 pounds overweight and we didn’t pay a dime, and another time when we were asked to pay 50$ for an additional five pounds. I understand some airline workers want to be kind to their customers and not charge them for overweight luggages, but not all employees are capable of such generosity and it is often frustrating for flyers like myself!

  2.   dkois on February 24, 2010 2:22 pm

    Good post. 5/5.

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