Exercise 4.7 – Paraphrasing

February 18th, 2010

Quotation #1

Martin Goldsmith, GM of the local radio station, said that their goal is to raise $100,000 this year which is %15 more than last year.  Because they spend about $130,000 a year buying programs for the station, the $100,000 will help pay for this and keep their audience happy.

Quotation #2

Marilyn Wall, president of local tire manufacturer, Walls Tire Co., said that the current year has been good for the company and its employees.  Their sales are up 20% from last year, which allowed them to recall many employees that had been laid off.  They have also expanded their work force by adding about 20 new jobs.

Quotation #3

Marsha Moss, local symphony orchestra director, stated that the audience’s response to last night’s concert was gratifying.  She said that they seemed to enjoy the entire program and that it was a lot more fun that performing for a bunch of critics.  She was happy to know people appreciate all the hard work the orchestra puts in to every concert.

Quotation #4

City council member Jerry Butts said that their options were very limited this year as too whether or not they could grant the police a raise.  Although he believes they deserve the raise, giving it to them would cause property taxes to increase, which he is fairly certain would outrage people in the community.

One Response to “Exercise 4.7 – Paraphrasing”

  1.   dkois on February 24, 2010 2:23 pm

    Good job. 5/5.

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