Friday’s Snow Predictions
February 4th, 2010
What’s up with this weather lately? The amount of snow we’ve been getting is unbelievable. I’ve been hearing predictions for 20 inches in our area. I just read an article in The Washington Post that said it’s extremely rare for us to get two double-diget snowfalls in a single winter. I’m a fan of snow, but it would be nice to get this big blizzard during the week so we can get out of class or work! I’m also thinking that my plans to drive home to Philadelphia on Friday morning may not be happening after all.
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I totally agree–I hate how the snow only seems to fall on Fridays when I don’t have school or work!
Tell me about it. It seems to only snow on Friday nights – and considering I’m a waitress this is not a good thing.
I’ve lived in this area all my life and don’t ever remember having this much snow! It was to the point where when meteorologists were predicted 10-12 inches of snow I’d laugh and say no way. This year has been amazing! I’m a winter baby so I love the snow but only when I can still find ways to get out of my house. I actually forced two of my friends to walk with me a total of 4 miles yesterday just to reduce some of the cabin fever I was beginning to feel, whoops! And to think they’re still predicting snow falls on Tuesday and Thursday is pretty crazy if you ask me.